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Many thanks for visiting the site of the Lipthay de Kisfalud et Lubelle family, member of the ancient Hungarian nobility. By clicking on the labels you can reach valuable genealogy details. You are kindly invited to view these and to download details of your interest. The content, based on a genealogy collection of more than 4.500 entries, supported on relevant sources listed, is displaying the ancient roots of the Lipthay’s and their heritage documented since the 13th century. You will learn about the blood linkage of peers of Hungarian, Transylvanian, and other European nobility. In the past, many of these families were at the forefront of leadership, some still are. Saints, dignitaries of the Catholic Church, prominent leaders of politics and military are among the ancestry of Lipthay’s. You will experience a fascinating journey far back in time, meeting roots of many noble families related by blood, deeply identified in Christian values, part of Hungarian and European identity.

This site has also information on the tragic events suffered by Hungary and Hungarians during the 20th century. You will find background details reflecting one of the key aims of communist dictatorship, namely to brutally cut-out aristocracy of society, especially in Hungary. The world should not forget the persecution suffered by the nobility, just for being aristocrats. Displacement, confiscation of all property, imprisonment, torture, and execution was the fate of many aristocrats during communism. Those who did not escape to live in freedom, had to live oppressed at the periphery of society, bellow the one-class society, the proletarians, as “B” class, with no civil rights.

Part of the youngest generations of Lipthay's was born and grown-up in Hungary under oppression and tyranny, others lived as emigrants, far from communism and its legacy, but far from home. After the tragic circumstances of the 20th century, the young generations are an immense reward, adding hope in the future to come. New branches of Lipthay’s as well of other’s of their relatives and peers of Hungarian nobility came to existence, flourishing in Hungary and far away, in South and North America, and in Europe too. Since the opening of Hungary to democracy, the youngest generation is working hard facing the challenges helping Hungary to recover. The will for keeping traditions alive is tangible again. A strong and promising impulse for the survival of ancient values is fading in. Past, traditions and history are again reinforcing the present and future.

The family history is significantly related to our nation's history. 

The nation consists of families forming its identity.  Not few members of the Lipthay family were active in  events forming the homeland...           

(Iván Nagy, The Lipthay Family, 1854 p. VII)

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